The KOA database contains multiple tables including chemical, methodological, reference, author, KOA tables. Each of the tables can be extracted by using Table functions. Below is a schematic of the KOA database from Baskaran et al. 2021.

Each of these tables contain specific data and can be extracted using Table functions. For example, if you want to take a look at the Reference Table you would use the function ref.table().


This data frame contains 155 observations (rows) and 7 variables (columns). Here is a small subset of what the references variable output looks like.

Similarly you can extract the different tables in the database using the other Table functions.

Function Table Description Author Names of authors
table.chem() Chemical Categories, CAS No., names, SMILES and other chemical identifiers
table.koa() KOA Reported KOA and log10KOA data, errors, notes
table.meth() Methods Descriptions of each estimation & experimental techniques to obtain KOA
table.prop() Properties Phys-chem properties used to calculate the KOA
table.ref() References Citation details for all sources in the database

Extracting subsets of data using Table functions

Some of these Table functions allow you to extract a subset of data. For example, from the references table, we can identify all citations from the Harner group.


#table.ref(query = "Harner") 

Or from more than one research group.

#table.ref(query = c("Harner", "Carr"))

Table functions that allow for subsetting are:

  • table.chem() — specify the chemcial category/categories (“PCBs”, “PAHs”, etc.)
  • table.meth() — specify the type of method (“Dynamic”, “Static”, “Indirect”, “EST”)
  • table.ref() — specify the research group (“Harner”, “Carr”, “Abraham”, etc.)
  • table.prop() — specify the property type (“log_KOW”, “log_KAW”, “VP”, “Sw”, “inf_act”, “dG”)